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What does each metric mean?
What does each metric mean?

We’ve put together a dictionary with the definition of the most important metrics for each network so you can consult it anytime.

Written by Daniela Raviales
Updated over 3 months ago


  • Email: Percentage of consumers that completed their email address.

  • Facebook: Percentage of consumers with an associated Facebook account.

  • Global/brand opt-in: Total number of consumers who have expressed interest in receiving information about, or being included in, future campaigns, for one or all brands.

  • Demographic information: Shows information about gender and age.

  • Completeness percentage: Percentage of completed fields of total consumers.

  • No data % (social media): Percentage of consumers who don’t have any social media information.

  • No record % (phone): Percentage of consumers who don’t have any records for cell phone or telephone.

  • Total: Total number of consumers.

  • Twitter % : Percentage of consumers who have a Twitter account.

  • Cell phone % : Percentage of consumers who have provided a cell phone number.

  • Telephone % : Percentage of consumers who have provided a telephone number.

  • Location: If available, this module will show where your consumers are located.

  • Static fields: *platform_id: (string [3-254]) Platform identifier: “facebook_app”, "web”, “google”.

    • external_id: External object identifier. Clients can use this property to specify their custom identifier, external to Bunkerdb. If this identifier has already been used to insert a new ActionPersonData object with the same campaign_id, the previously inserted object will be deleted to prevent those objects from coexisting.

    • obtained_time: Date and time when the person’s data was obtained. It should comply with the format defined by ISO 8601. The default values are the date and time when the server receives the request.

    • facebook_uid: (string [1-50]) Facebook identifier.

    • email: (string [3-254]) email address.

    • twitter_uid: (string [1-50]) Twitter identifier.

    • linkedin_uid: (string [1-50]) LinkedIn identifier.

    • google_uid: (string [1-50]) Google identifier.

    • cellphone: (string [4-50]) cell phone number.

    • document: (string [5-20]) Document, dni.

    • document_type: (string) Document type. The default value is “dni”. This field must be one of the following values:

      • citizen

      • dfi.

      • dni.

      • driver.

      • militar.

      • passport.

      • social.

      • cpf: Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas document.

    • country: (string [2]) Document issuing country. Should comply with the format defined by the ISO 3166-1, with two-letter representation. You can check a list of countries in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2. “uy” will be assigned by default.

    • phone: (string [4-50]) Phone number.

    • first_name: (string [1-100]) Name.

    • last_name: (string [1-100]) Last-name.

    • gender: Must be one of the following values: “f”, “m”

    • birthday: (string [10]) Birth date should comply with the format yyyy-mm-dd, e.g.: 1983-02-26. The date should be between the last 130 years.
      address_country: Residence country, should be defined by ISO 3166-1-, with the two-letter representation. You can check a list under ISO 3166-1-alpha-2.

    • address_state: (string [1-255]) State/Department.

    • address_city: City

    • allow_newsletters: (Boolean) Defines if the person wishes to receive the email newsletter, should be true or false.

    • allow_sms: (Boolean) Defines if the person agrees to receive information via SMS, it should be true, or false.

    • allow_brand: (Boolean) Defines if the person agrees to receive information about brand campaigns, should be true, or false

    • allow_global: (Boolean) Defines if the person agrees to receive information about other campaigns, should be true, or false.

    • address_postal_code: (string [1-50]) Postal code.

    • address: Address, instead of address, you can pass address_line_one and address_line_two, note that address will take precedence.

    • address_line_one: (text) First line of address, note that if you use address, it will take precedence.

    • address_line_two: (text) Second line of address, note that if you use address, it will take precedence.

    • device: can be one of the following values: desktop, tablet, phone

    • preferences: Preferences assigned to the consumer in JSON format (array of preferences). These preferences must match with Campaign preferences (see Preferences service)

Display Video & 360

  • Active View: Average Viewable Time: The average time, in seconds, the ad appeared on screen. Only viewable impressions are counted toward this metric.
    Note: This metric is not available in Display & Video 360 for YouTube.

  • Active View: Eligible Impressions: The total number of impressions that were eligible to measure viewability. An impression is eligible if the ad unit has a supported creative format and tag type.

  • Active View: Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion: The number of measurable impressions that were played to video completion, and also audible and visible at the time of completion. Audible means the video's audio volume was greater than 0%. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

  • Active View: Impression Distribution (Viewable): Percentage of eligible impressions where measurement was attempted, succeeded and the ad was deemed viewable.

  • Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Measurable): Percentage of eligible impressions where measurement was attempted but failed. Impression Distribution (not measurable) is calculated using the following formula: Not measurable impressions ÷ Active View eligible impressions.

  • Active View: Impression Distribution (Not Viewable: Percentage of eligible impressions where measurement was attempted, succeeded and the ad was deemed non-viewable. Impression distribution (not viewable) is calculated using the following formula: Not viewable impressions ÷ Active View eligible impressions.

  • Active View: Impressions Visible 10 Seconds: The number of measurable video impressions that were visible for at least 10 seconds. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

  • Active View: Measurable Impressions: The total number of impressions that were measurable with Active View. An ad is measurable when the Active View tag is able to capture viewability data about the impression and communicate that data to the Google Marketing Platform servers.

  • Active View: % Measurable Impressions: The percentage of impressions that were measurable with Active View, out of the total number of Active View eligible impressions.

  • Active View: Not Measurable Impressions: The total number of impressions that were not measurable with Active View.

  • Active View: Not Viewable Impressions: Total number of impressions that were measured, but deemed not viewable.

  • Active View: % Viewable Impressions: The percentage of viewable impressions out of all measurable impressions, is calculated as (Viewable Impressions) ÷ (Measurable Impressions).

  • Active View: % Visible at Completion: The percentage of measurable impressions that were played to, and visible at, the completion of the video. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

  • Active View: % Visible at First Quartile: The percentage of measurable impressions that were considered visible at the first quartile of the video. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

  • Active View: % Visible at Midpoint: The percentage of measurable impressions that were considered visible at the midpoint of the video. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

  • Active View: % Visible at Start: The percentage of measurable impressions that were considered visible at the start of the video. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

  • Active View: % Visible at Third Quartile: The percentage of measurable impressions that were considered visible at the third quartile of the video. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

  • Active View: % Visible 10 Seconds: The percent of measurable video impressions that were visible for at least 10 seconds. Visible means at least 50% of the ad's pixels were on screen.

  • Audio Mutes (Audio): The number of impressions for which the ad was muted. The action is counted even if the user mutes the ad before the audio content plays.

  • Clicks: The number of times a person has clicked on an ad.

  • Click Rate (CTR): The percentage of time people clicked on an ad,is calculated as the product of Clicks ÷ Impressions × 100. This is sometimes called "clickthrough rate."

  • Complete Views (Video): The number of times a video has been played to its end.

  • Completion Rate (Video): The percentage of video impressions that played to completion.

  • Engagements:

    • For YouTube video action campaigns: The number of clicks on the ad or 10 seconds of viewing time. If both happen, only the click is counted.

    • For all other YouTube ads: The number of clicks on interactive video elements, such as teasers or expanding cards, that don't take users to an external site.

  • Engagement Rate: The number of engagements that your ad receives (for example, clicks on card teasers and icons) divided by the number of times your ad is shown, is calculated as Engagements ÷ Impressions.

  • First-Quartile Views (Video): The number of times a video has been played to 25% of its entire length.

  • Fullscreens (Video): The number of times a video has been viewed in full-screen mode.

  • Impressions: The number of times that a user’s client (browser or mobile device) sent a ping to our ad server that creative content was requested and has started to download during the specified date range.

  • Media Cost: Media cost is the raw cost for impressions purchased from an exchange.

  • Media Cost eCPA: The average cost of each conversion, based on the Media Cost paid, is calculated as the product of Media Cost ÷ Conversions.

  • Media Cost eCPA (PC): The average cost of each post-click conversion, based on the Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Media Cost ÷ Post-Click Conversions.

  • Media Cost eCPA (PV): The average cost of each post-view conversion, based on the Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Media Cost ÷ Post-View Conversions.

  • Media Cost eCPC: The average CPC you paid, based on the Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Media Cost ÷ Clicks.

  • Media Cost eCPM: The average CPM you paid for impressions, based on the Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Media Cost ÷ Impressions × 1000.

  • Media Cost Viewable eCPM: The average CPM you paid for Viewable Impressions, based on the Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Media Cost ÷ Viewable Impressions × 1000.

  • Pauses (Video): The number of times a video has been paused. This is logged once per view, such that if a person pauses a video multiple times, the subsequent pauses aren't counted.

  • Revenue: Revenue refers to the amount of money spent to purchase impressions and deliver ads through Display & Video 360.

  • Revenue eCPA: The average cost of each conversion, based on the Revenue spent, is calculated as Revenue ÷ Conversions.

  • Revenue eCPA (PC): The average cost of each post-click conversion, based on the Revenue spent, is calculated as Revenue ÷ Post-Click Conversions.

  • Revenue eCPA (PV): The average cost of each post-view conversion, based on the Revenue spent, is calculated as Revenue ÷ Post-View Conversions.

  • Revenue eCPC: The average CPC you paid, based on Revenue, is calculated as Revenue ÷ Clicks.

  • Revenue eCPM: The average CPM you paid for impressions, based on Revenue, is calculated as the product of Revenue ÷ Impressions × 1000.

  • Revenue eCPV: For YouTube ads, the average cost you paid for views, based on Revenue, is calculated as Revenue ÷ Views.

  • Skips (Video): The number of times a video has been skipped.

  • Starts (Video): The number of times a video has been played. This is logged once per view, such that if a person stops playing a video and then restarts it, the restart isn't counted.

  • Total Conversions: The aggregate total of all Post-View Conversions and Post-Click Conversions.

  • Total Media Cost: The combined price of buying impressions (media cost), combined with the fees for using any third-party audience segment data (data fees) and any partner costs, such as the fees for using Display & Video 360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.

  • Total Media Cost eCPA: The average cost of each conversion, based on the Total Media Cost paid, is calculated as the product of Total Media Cost ÷ Conversions.

  • Total Media Cost eCPA (PC): The average cost of each conversion, based on the Total Media Cost paid, is calculated as the product of Total Media Cost ÷ Conversions.

  • Total Media Cost eCPA (PV): The average cost of each post-view conversion, based on the Total Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Total Media Cost ÷ Post-View Conversions.

  • Total Media Cost eCPC: The average CPC you paid, based on the Total Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Total Media Cost ÷ Clicks.

  • Total Media Cost eCPM: The average CPM you paid for impressions, based on the Total Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Total Media Cost ÷ Impressions ×1000.

  • Total Video Media Cost eCPCV: The average cost of each complete video view, based on the Total Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Total Media Cost ÷ Complete Views (Video).

  • Total Media Cost Viewable eCPM: The average CPM you paid for Viewable Impressions, based on the Total Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Total Media Cost ÷ Viewable Impressions × 1000

  • TrueView: Views: The number of times your ad has been viewed.

  • TrueView: View Rate: The percentage of time your ad is viewed, relative to the total number of times your ad is shown (video and thumbnail impressions)

  • Video Media Cost eCPCV: The average cost of each complete video view, based on the Total Media Cost spent, is calculated as the product of Total Media Cost ÷ Complete Views (Video).

  • Video Revenue eCPCV: The average cost of each complete video view, based on the Revenue spent, is calculated as the product of Revenue ÷ Complete Views (Video).


  • Amount spent: You can see how much you have spent of your maximum budget for the selected period. Billed amounts and pending amounts can be included. This metric is used as a numerator to calculate all the action cost metrics or costs by result. Amounts will be approximated if advertisements are circulating. The results of an advertisement could take up to 48 hours to be processed.

  • Clicks: The result shows different types of clicks on your ad:

    • some type of interaction with the ad container,

    • links to other sites

    • links to promote an expanded experience of your ad.

    • These are some of the examples:

      • Clicks on the link.

      • Clicks on the associated business or in the profile picture.

      • Reactions in the post (Like and Love).

      • Comments and shared content.

      • Clicks to expand multimedia content (like photos) to full-screen size.

      • Clicks to take actions corresponding to the achievement of campaign objectives (example: Likes on campaign with website interaction).

  • Clicks Through Rate: CTR indicates the number of clicks received on an ad over the total number of impressions.

  • Comments: Number of comments made on posts shared by the account.

  • CPT Cost per thousand impressions: Total amount spent on a campaign is divided by impressions and the result is multiplied by 1.000 to calculate the CPT. (Example: 50 USD were spent to obtain 10.000; CPM is 5 USD)

  • Engagement: The engagement counts the interactions with your Facebook website and its posts. React to a post, register a visit, or click on a link are interactions counted as "engagement".

  • Engagement rate impressions no video views: This metric is calculated by dividing the number of interactions by the number of impressions, multiplied by one hundred, excluding the number of video views.
    This metric is calculated by Bunker DB: (media interactions ÷ media impressions)*100 - video views.

  • Estimated metrics: These metrics help you measure activities that are hard to count due to the number of people who use Facebook and the data processing required to calculate them. Estimated metrics can also be helpful when measuring actions or events where data is partial or missing.

  • Frequency: Number of people who have seen your page content once, twice, thrice, etc.

  • Interactions with a post: Reactions, comments, clicks on a picture or a video, shares, and clicks on a link, could be included as interactions.

  • «Likes»: Number of likes received on the fanpage throughout the selected period.

  • Link clicks: The metric counts the clicks on a link embedded in a text, multimedia content, and advertisements call to action towards the experiences set by the advertiser. Clicks on content or links in the post comment section are not included in metrics. An advertisement could have different targets specified by the advertiser. Headline and call to action of an advertisement could be linked to different targets, like Facebook or an external website.
    For example:

    • Websites.

    • App stores or deep links to apps.

    • Clicks to call.

    • Clicks to send messages.

    • Maps or indications.

    • Forms to potential clients.

    • Marketplace

    • Clicks on Instagram profiles to advertisements that promote views on an Instagram profile.

    • Reproducible experiences.

    • Videos that start "Watch & Browse" experience.

    • Videos stored on an external website (Videos embedded in the advertisements news section but uploaded on Youtube or Vimeo are included)

  • Media engagement rate impressions: Engagement rate based on impressions is calculated by dividing the number of interactions by the number of impressions and multiplied by one hundred.
    This metric is calculated by Bunker DB: (media interactions ÷ media impressions)*100.

  • Monthly post engagement: Considers total reach, engaged users, impressions, likes, comments, and shares, throughout the selected period.

  • Negative feedback: Number of negative actions (for example: dislike or hide a post)

  • New «Likes»: The daily sum of likes on a certain period. Is not the same as the difference between the last day of a campaign and the first one.

  • Posts: Number of posts made throughout the selected period categorized by photo or video.

  • Posts of the month: Shows a list of every post of the month which can be ordered by engagement rate, likes, reactions, comments, interactions, shares, total reach, engaged users, or views.

  • Reach: Number of people who have seen any content about your page during a certain period.

  • Reactions: Total number of reactions —like, love, anger, haha, sorry, or wow—from users.

  • Shares: Number of times your posts were shared.

  • Total Impressions: Every time an advertisement is shown on screen for the first time will be considered as an impression. (Example: if a person sees an advertisement, scrolls down on the website, and goes back to the advertisement, will count as one impression) If it's seen on two different occasions during the same day, it will count as two impressions. This method differs from the standard count of impressions on videos with advertisements. Except for Audience Network advertisements, impressions are counted in the same way neither in advertisements with images nor video. The impression will be counted without playing the video. When is impossible to determine if advertisements are shown on screen, impressions will be counted when advertisements are delivered on the devices. Impressions coming from invalid traffic sources—such as non-human users sources such as bots—don't count.

  • Total reach (28 days): The number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page, and more. (Unique Users) 28-day reach, the same user will only be counted once in the 7-day and 28-day periods, respectively, regardless of the number of times they see your type of content.

  • Total video views: The number of times your videos were viewed for at least three seconds.

  • Unique clicks: This metric counts persons not actions and is an estimated metric.

  • «Unlikes»: Page unlikes during the selected period. The sum of daily unlikes within a period, which is not equal to the difference between unlikes of the final day minus those of the starting day.

  • Video views: This metric counts when a video starts to play after an impression for the video is counted. Video plays can occur either when a video starts to play automatically or because someone clicked to play the video. Replays of a video, such as when someone pauses a video and starts playing it again, are not counted. In the case of an ad format with multiple videos, such as a carousel ad, video plays will be counted separately for each video shown.

  • View %: This metric is calculated by dividing the length of the video reproduction (25%, 50%, 75%, 95% and 100%) by the total views of the video, including the repeated views.

  • Website impressions: Times that your content (or related content) was shown on someone's screen. Posts, stories, advertisements, and information contents are included.

Facebook Business (Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads)

  • About the attribution setting: The attribution setting is a finite period of time during which conversions can be credited to your ads and used to inform campaign optimization.

  • About quality ranking: Quality ranking explains how your ad's perceived quality compares to ads competing for the same audience.

  • Adds to Cart: The number of add-to-cart events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • Adds to Cart Conversion Value: The total value of adds to cart tracked with the sales objective.

  • Adds of Payment Info: The number of add payment info events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • Adds of Payment Info Conversion Value: The total value of adds of payment info tracked with the sales objective.

  • App Activations Conversion Value: The total value of app activations tracked with the engagement objective.

  • Blocked Messaging Connections: The number of times that people blocked a messaging connection with your business, attributed to your ads.

  • Buying Type: The method by which you pay for and target ads in your campaigns: through dynamic auction bidding, fixed-price bidding, or reach and frequency buying. This field is currently only visible at the campaign level.

  • Call confirmation clicks: The estimated number of times the call button is clicked on a call confirmation dialogue after an ad with a call destination is clicked.

  • Checkouts Initiated: The number of initiated checkout events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • Clicks (all): The total number of clicks on your advert. This may include off-site clicks to your website, page likes, post comments, event responses, or app installs.

  • Commerce Manager: Sales manager statistics

    • Adds to Cart: The number of add-to-cart events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

    • Purchases: The number of purchase events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

    • Conversion Value: The value of a conversion attributed to your ads, as recorded by your pixel, app or offline event set.

    • Sessions with Product Page View: The percentage of sessions in which the visitor viewed a product page in your shop. This metric is calculated by dividing the number of sessions with a product page view by the number of sessions.

  • Contacts: The number of contact events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • Content Views: The number of view content events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • CPA Cost per action: Cost per action (CPA) allows you to pay only for actions people take because of your ad.

  • Cost Per Add of Payment Info: The average cost of each add of payment info.

  • Cost Per Add to Cart: The average cost of each add-to-cart.

  • Cost per App Activation: The average cost for each app activation.

  • Cost per Content View: The average cost of each content view. This metric is calculated as the total amount spent during the selected time period, divided by content views that occurred within the same time period.

  • Cost per Conversion: The average cost for each conversion. This metric is calculated as cost divided by conversions.

  • Cost per Custom Event: The average cost of each custom event.

  • CPC (Cost per Link Click): The average cost for each link click.

  • Cost per Desktop App Engagement: The average cost for each desktop app engagement. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by app engagements.

  • Cost per Desktop App Install: The average cost for each desktop app install. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by app installs.

  • Cost per Desktop App Story Engagement: The average cost for each desktop app story engagement. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by app story engagements.

  • Cost per Event Response: The average cost for each event response. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by event responses.

  • Cost per Game Play: The cost for each desktop game play.

  • CPM (Cost per 1,000 Impressions): The average cost for 1,000 impressions.

  • Cost per Landing Page View: The average cost for each landing page view. This metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by landing page views.

  • Cost per Lead: The average cost of each lead.

  • Cost per messaging conversation started: The average cost for each messaging conversation started. The metric is calculated as the total amount you spent on ads that click to Messenger divided by the number of messaging conversations started attributed to ads that click to Messenger.

  • Cost per Messaging Reply: The average cost for each messaging reply. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent, divided by messaging replies.

  • Cost per Meta workflow completion: The cost for Meta workflow completion.

  • Cost per Mobile App Action: The average cost for each app action.

  • Cost per Mobile App Add to Cart: The average cost for each mobile app add-to-cart.

  • Cost per Mobile App Install: The average cost for each mobile app install. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent during the selected time period, divided by mobile app installs that occurred within the same time period.

  • Cost per Mobile App Add to Wishlist: The average cost for each mobile app add to wishlist.

  • Cost per Mobile App Level Completed: The average cost for each mobile app level achievement. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by mobile app level achievements.

  • Cost per mobile app D2 retention: The average cost for each mobile app Day 2 retention.

  • Cost per mobile app D7 retention: The average cost for each mobile app Day 7 retention.

  • Cost per Mobile App Purchase: The average cost for each mobile app purchase.

  • Cost per Mobile App Rating Submitted: The average cost for each mobile app rating.

  • Cost per Mobile App Registration Completed: The average cost for each mobile app registration. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by mobile app registrations.

  • Cost per Mobile App Search: The average cost for each mobile app search.

  • Cost per Mobile App Session: The average cost for each mobile app session.

  • Cost per mobile app D2 retention: The average cost for each mobile app Day 2 retention.

  • Cost per New Messaging Conversations: The average cost for each messaging conversation started.

  • Cost per Offer Saved: The average cost for each offer saved as a result of your ad.

  • Cost per Offline Add to Cart: The average cost for each add-to-cart (offline conversion).

  • Cost per Offline Add of Payment Info: The average cost for each add payment info (offline conversion). The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by add payment info (offline conversion).

  • Cost per Offline Add to Wishlist: The average cost for each add to wishlist (offline conversion).

  • Cost per Offline Checkout Initiated: The average cost for each initiated checkout (offline conversion). The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by initiate checkout (offline conversion).

  • Cost per Offline Content Views: The average cost for each view content (offline conversion).

  • Cost per Offline Lead: The average cost for each lead (offline conversion). The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by lead (offline conversion)

  • Cost per Offline Other Conversion: The average cost for each other (offline conversion). The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by other (offline conversion).

  • Cost per Offline Purchase: The average cost for each purchase (offline conversion). The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by purchase (offline conversion).

  • Cost per Offline Registration Completed: The average cost for each complete registration (offline conversion). The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by complete registration (offline conversion).

  • Cost per Offline Search: The average cost for each search (offline conversion).

  • Cost per On-Facebook Workflow Completions: The cost for Meta workflow completion.

  • Cost per Other Mobile App Action: The average cost for each other app action.

  • Cost per Outbound Clicks: The average cost for each outbound click.

  • Cost per Page Engagement: The average cost for each Page engagement.

  • Cost per Page Like: The average cost for each Page like. This metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by Page likes.

  • Cost per Photo View: The average cost for each photo view. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by photo views.

  • Cost per Post Comment: The average cost for each post comment. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by post comments.

  • CPE Cost per Post Engagement: The average cost for each post engagement. This metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by post engagement.

  • Cost per Post Reaction: The average cost for each post reaction. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by post reactions.

  • CPP Cost per Purchase: Average cost of each purchase.

  • Cost per Registration Completed: The average cost of each registration completed.

  • Cost per Result: The average cost per result from your ads.

  • Cost per Search: The average cost of each search.

  • Cost per Unique Add of Payment Info: The estimated average cost of each unique add of payment info. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by unique add of payment info.

  • Cost per 3-second video play: The average cost for each 3-second video play.

  • Cost per Unique Add to Cart: The estimated average cost of each unique add-to-cart.

  • Cost per Unique Add to Wishlist: The estimated average cost of each unique add to wishlist.

  • Cost per Unique App Activation: The estimated average cost of each unique app activation.

  • Cost per Unique Checkout Initiated: The estimated average cost of each unique checkout initiated. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by unique checkouts initiated.

  • Cost per Unique Content View: The estimated average cost of each unique content view. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by unique content views.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Achievement Unlocked: The average cost of each unique mobile app feature unlock. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by unique mobile app feature unlocks. This metric is calculated using sampled data.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Add of Payment Info: The average cost of each unique mobile app payment detail.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Checkout Initiated: The average cost of each unique mobile app checkout. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by unique mobile app checkouts.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Content View: The average cost of each unique mobile app content view. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by unique mobile app content views.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Credit Spent: The average cost of each unique mobile app credit spend.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Rating Submitted: The average cost of each unique mobile app rating.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Search: The average cost of each unique mobile app search.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Add to Cart: The average cost of each unique mobile app add-to-cart.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Add to Wishlist: The average cost of each unique mobile app add to wishlist.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Purchase: The average cost of each unique mobile app purchase. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by unique mobile app purchases.

  • Cost per Unique Mobile App Tutorial Completed: The average cost of each unique mobile app tutorial completion.

  • Cost per Unique Purchase: The estimated average cost of each unique purchase. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by unique purchases.

  • Cost per Unique Registration Completed: The estimated average cost of each unique registration completed. The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by unique registrations completed

  • Cost per Unique Search: The estimated average cost of each unique search.

  • CPV (Cost per view): It is the cost per reproduction of a video. Your ad will be optimized to reach the people who are most likely to see at least 10 seconds of your ad.

  • Cost per Video ThruPlay: The average cost for each ThruPlay.

  • Cost per Website Add of Payment Info: The average cost of each website add of payment info. This metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by website adds of payment info events.

  • Cost per Website Add to Wishlist: The average cost of each website add to wishlist.

  • Cost per Website Checkout (Conversion Tracking Pixel): The average cost for each checkout (conversion tracking pixel). This metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by checkout (conversion tracking pixel) events.

  • Cost per Website Checkout Initiated: The average cost of each website checkout initiated. This metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by website checkouts initiated events.

  • Cost per Website Key Page View (Conversion Tracking Pixel): The average cost for each key web page view (conversion tracking pixel).

  • Cost per Website Lead (Conversion Tracking Pixel): The average cost for each lead (conversion tracking pixel).

  • Cost per Website Registration Completed: The average cost of each website registration completed.

  • Cost per Website Search: The average cost of each website search.

  • Conversion rate ranking: Conversion rate ranking explains how your ad's expected conversion rate compares to ads with the same optimization goal competing for the same audience.

  • CPM: Average cost every 1,000 impressions.

  • CPV: Cost per view, paid per video reproduction. The ad will optimize to reach the viewers more likely to watch at least ten seconds of your video.

  • CPR: Cost per result, The metric is calculated as the total amount spent during the selected time period, divided by the number of results. In some cases where results cannot be measured directly due to partial or missing data, statistical modeling may be used to account for some results.

  • Credit Spends: The number of spend credits events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • CTR: Click through rate indicates the number of clicks received on an ad over the total number of impressions.

  • Custom events: The number of custom events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • Desktop App Engagement: The number of actions, including app installs, credit spends and uses, that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Desktop app Installs: The number of desktop app installs that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. The metric counts when people accept the terms and conditions for your desktop app.

  • Desktop App Story Engagement: The number of actions related to the desktop app story that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Desktop App Uses: The number of uses of your desktop app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Engagement: The number of actions related to your page and its contents as a result of your ad.

  • Engagement page: The total number of actions people took on your Facebook Page and its posts as a result of your ads.

  • Engagement rate %: Measures the effectiveness of your brand to catch an audience.

  • Estimated Ad Recall Lift: How many people we estimate would remember seeing your ad if we asked them within two days.

  • Facebook Event Responses: The number of people who responded Interested or Going to your Facebook event.

  • Frequency: The average number of times that your advert was shown to each person.

  • Impressions: The number of times that an advert was viewed. With a few exceptions, an impression is counted each time an advert can be viewed when it enters a person's screen on Facebook, Instagram or the Audience Network.

  • Landing Page Views: The number of times that a person clicked on an ad link and successfully loaded the destination web page, Instant Experience or Meta Shop. To see reporting on landing page views for destination web pages or Instant Experiences, you need to have a Meta pixel installed.

  • Leads Conversion Value: The total value of leads tracked with the leads objective. The metric is calculated by adding the value parameters you set for the lead conversion standard event.

  • Link Clicks: The number of clicks on links within the ad that led to advertiser-specified destinations, on or off Meta technologies.

  • Messaging conversations started: The number of times people started messaging your business after at least 7 days of inactivity, attributed to your ads.

  • Messaging Replies: The number of messaging replies that people sent to your business, attributed to your ads.

  • Meta workflow completion: The number of times a workflow was completed within Meta technologies (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Achievements Unlocked: The number of features, levels or achievements unlocked in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Actions: The number of actions in mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Adds to Cart: The number of times items were added to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Adds of Payment Info: The number of times payment information was entered in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Adds to Wishlist: The number of times items were added to a wishlist in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Checkouts Initiated: The number of checkouts started in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Checkouts Initiated Conversion Value: The total value returned from mobile app checkouts. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the app event.

  • Mobile App Content Views: The number of content views in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Credits Spent: The number of credits spent in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Credits Spent Conversion Value: The total value returned from mobile app credit spends. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the app event.

  • Mobile App Custom Events: The number of custom events that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App D2 Retention: The number of people who opened your app 24 - 48 hours after installing it. This metric is only available for 7-day and 28-day attribution windows.

  • Mobile App D7 Retention: The number of people who opened your app 6 - 7 days after installing it. This metric is only available for a 28-day attribution window.

  • Mobile App Levels Completed: The number of levels achieved in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Purchases: The number of purchases made in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Purchases Conversion Value: The total value returned from mobile app purchases. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the app event.

  • Mobile app purchase ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from mobile app purchases. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the app event.

  • Mobile App Ratings Submitted: The number of ratings submitted in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Ratings Submitted Conversion Value: The total value returned from mobile app ratings. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the app event.

  • Mobile App Registrations Completed: The number of registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Searches: The number of searches in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Sessions: The number of new app sessions on a mobile device that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Mobile App Tutorials Completed: The number of tutorials completed in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • Objective: The objective reflecting the goal you want to achieve with your advertising. It may be different from the selected objective of the campaign in some cases.

  • Offers Saved: The number of people who saved your offer.

  • Offline Adds to Cart: The number of add-to-cart events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your ads.

  • Offline Adds to Cart Conversion Value: The total value returned from add-to-cart (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the offline event.

  • Offline Adds of Payment Info: The number of add payment info events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your ads.

  • Offline Adds of Payment Info Conversion Value: The total value returned from add payment info (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the offline event.

  • Offline Adds to Wishlist Conversion Value: The total value returned from add to wishlist (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the offline event.

  • Offline Adds to Wishlist: The number of add to wishlist events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your ads.

  • Offline Checkouts Initiated: The number of initiated checkout events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your ads.

  • Offline Checkouts Initiated Conversion Value: The total value returned from initiate checkout (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the offline event.

  • Offline Content Views: The number of view content events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your ads.

  • Offline Content Views Conversion Value: The total value returned from view content (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the offline event.

  • Offline Leads: The number of lead events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your ads.

  • Offline Leads Conversion Value: The total value returned from lead (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the offline event.

  • Offline Other Conversion Value: The total value returned from other (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the offline event.

  • Offline Purchases: The number of purchase events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your ads.

  • Offline Purchases Conversion Value: The total value returned from purchase (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the offline event.

  • Offline Registrations Completed: The number of complete registration events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your ads.

  • Offline Registrations Completed Conversion Value: The total value returned from complete registration (offline conversion) conversions. This is based on the value that you assigned when you set up the offline event.

  • Offline Searches: The number of search events that were recorded by your offline events data and attributed to your ads.

  • Outbound clicks: Show the number of clicks on links that take people off Meta technologies.

  • Photo views: The number of views of photos on your Page or posts that are attributed to your adverts. Photo views are counted when people click on photos to view them.

  • Plays: Video views are actions counted based on the number of times a video was viewed as a result of your ad.

  • Post Engagement: Post engagement includes all actions that people take involving your ads while they're running. Post engagements can include actions such as reacting to, commenting on or sharing the ad, claiming an offer, viewing a photo or video, or clicking on a link.

  • Post Comments: The number of comments on your ads.

  • Post Reactions: The number of reactions on your ads. The reactions button on an ad allows people to share different reactions to its content: Like, Love, Care, Haha, Wow, Sad or Angry.

  • Post Shares: The number of shares of your posts.

  • Purchases: The number of purchase events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • Purchase conversion Value: The total value of purchases.

  • Reach: The number of people to whom your advert was shown.

  • Registrations Completed: The number of complete registration events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • Registrations Completed Conversion Value: The total value of registrations completed tracked with the sales or leads objectives.

  • Relevance Score: A rating from 1 to 10 that estimates how well your target audience is responding to your ad. This score is shown after your ad receives more than 500 impressions.

  • Return On Ad Spend (ROAS): It is calculated by dividing the conversion value by the cost.

  • Schedule Conversion Value: The total value of schedule conversions. The metric is calculated by adding the value parameters you set for the schedule conversion standard event.

  • Searches: The number of search events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Meta Business Tools.

  • Searches Conversion Value: The total value of search conversions. The metric is calculated by adding the value parameters you set for the search conversion standard event.

  • 3-Second Video Views: The number of times your videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.

  • 10-Second Video Views: The number of times your videos played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they're shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we'll exclude any time spent replaying the video.

  • Submit Application Conversion Value: The total value of applications submitted tracked with the engagement or lead objectives.

  • Total actions: Represents a sum of top-level actions for an object, such as page engagement, mobile app install, and app custom event.
    Disclaimer: this is a hierarchical sum of all actions and cannot be simply calculated by adding up all actions

  • Thruplays: The number of times your video was played to completion, or for at least 15 seconds.

  • Unique Adds to Cart: The estimated number of Accounts Center accounts that added items to their cart.

  • Unique Adds of Payment Info: The estimated number of Accounts Center accounts that submitted payment info.

  • Unique Adds to Wishlist: The estimated number of Accounts Center accounts that added items to their wishlist.

  • Unique App Activations: The estimated number of Accounts Center accounts that performed app activations.

  • Unique Checkouts Initiated: The estimated number of Accounts Center accounts that initiated checkouts.

  • Unique Clicks (All): The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed a click (all).

  • Unique Credit Spends: The estimated number of Accounts Center accounts that spent credits.

  • Unique CTR (Link Click-Through Rate): The percentage of Accounts Center accounts that saw your ad and performed a link click. The metric is calculated as unique link clicks divided by reach. It counts Accounts Center accounts, not actions.

  • Unique Mobile App Achievements Unlocked: The number of Accounts Center accounts that earned mobile app feature unlocks.

  • Unique Mobile App Adds of Payment Info: The number of Accounts Center accounts that submitted mobile app payment details.

  • Unique Mobile App Adds to Wishlist: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed mobile app adds to wishlist.

  • Unique Mobile App Checkouts Initiated: The number of Accounts Center accounts that started mobile app checkouts.

  • Unique Mobile App Content Views: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed mobile app content views.

  • Unique Mobile App Credits Spent: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed mobile app credit spends.

  • Unique Mobile App D2 Retention: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed mobile app Day 2 retention.

  • Unique Mobile App D7 Retention: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed mobile app Day 7 retention.

  • Unique Mobile App Levels Completed: The number of Accounts Center accounts that earned mobile app level achievements.

  • Unique Mobile App Purchases: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed mobile app purchases.

  • Unique Mobile App Registrations Completed: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed mobile app registrations.

  • Unique Mobile App Searches: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed mobile app searches.

  • Unique Mobile App Sessions: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed a mobile app start.

  • Unique Mobile App Tutorials Completed: The number of Accounts Center accounts that achieved mobile app tutorial completions.

  • Unique Link Clicks: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed a link click.

  • Unique Outbound Clicks: The number of Accounts Center accounts that performed an outbound click.

  • Unique Purchases: The estimated number of Accounts Center accounts that completed at least one purchase.

  • Unique Registrations Completed: The estimated number of Accounts Center accounts that registered.

  • Unique Searches: The estimated number of Accounts Center accounts that searched.

    Video plays: The number of times your video starts to play. (25%, 50%, 75%, 95% and 100%). This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays.

  • Visits: Number of registered visits to your Facebook page as a result of your ads.

  • Website Adds of Payment Info Conversion Value: The total value of a website adds of payment info conversions.

  • Website Adds to Cart: The number of add-to-cart events tracked by the pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads.

  • Website Adds to Cart (Conversion Tracking Pixel): The number of adds to cart events tracked by the conversion tracking pixel on your website and attributed to your ads.

  • Website Adds to Wishlist: The number of add to wishlist events tracked by the pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads.

  • Website Adds to Wishlist Conversion Value: The total value of all website add to wishlist conversions. The metric is calculated from value parameters added to your standard event.

  • Website Contact Conversion Value: The total value of contact conversions that occurred on your website.

  • Website Content Views with Shared Items: The number of view content events that contain at least one shared item, tracked by the pixel on your partner's website and attributed to your ads.

  • Website Find Location Conversion Value: The total value of find location conversions that occurred on your website. The metric is calculated by adding the value parameters you set for the find location conversion standard event on your website.

  • Website Key Page Views Conversion Value (Conversion Tracking Pixel): The total value of key web page views (conversion tracking pixel) conversions.

  • Website Key Page Views (Conversion Tracking Pixel): The number of key page view events tracked by the conversion tracking pixel on your website, attributed to your ads.

  • Website Purchases: The number of purchase events tracked by the pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads.

  • Website Purchases Conversion Value: The total value of website purchases conversions. The metric is calculated from value parameters added to your standard event.

  • Website purchase ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from website purchases. This is based on the value of all conversions recorded by the Meta Pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads.

  • Website Purchase ROAS for Shared Items Only: The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from the shared items in website purchases attributed to your ads.

  • Website Registrations Completed: The number of complete registration events tracked by the pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads.

  • Website Registrations Conversion Value (Conversion Tracking Pixel): The total value of registration (conversion tracking pixel) conversions.

  • Website Searches: The number of search events tracked by the pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads.

  • Website Subscribe Conversion Value: The total value of subscribe conversions that occurred on your website.

  • % Video Watches at %: The percentage of people who watched a video to completion relative to the total number of people who started playing it. It is calculated using the formula:
    (Video Plays at % / 3-Second Video Plays) × 100.

Google Analytics

  • Assisted Conversions and Assisted Conversion Value: This is the number (and monetary value) of sales and conversions the channel assisted. If a channel appears anywhere—except as the final interaction—on a conversion path, it is considered an assist for that conversion. The higher these numbers, the more important the assist role of the channel.

  • Audiencies: Audiences in Analytics are users that you group together based on any combination of attributes that is meaningful to your business. An audience might be simply current shoppers (include users who have > 0 product views; exclude users who have > 0 purchases). Or you might need a more detailed definition that identifies shoppers who viewed the detail page for Product A, and then within 3 sessions or 7 days returned to purchase the product. You can create broad definitions like all users who at any time purchased a product, or all users who have purchased within the last 12 months but not during the last 2.

  • Average order value: Average value of transactions.

  • Average session duration: Total length of all sessions (in seconds) by the number of sessions.

  • Bounce rate %: Calculates the percentage of visitors that logged in and out of the web site without visiting any other site.

  • Browsers: This section describes which browser (Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, etc) were used to access the tracked website.

  • Conversions rate: Indicates the total of Floodlight conversions by click. Is calculated: (Actions + Transactions) ÷ Clicks.

  • Devices: Describes what devices - desktop, tablet, cell phone - were used to access the website.

  • Engagement: Any user interaction with your site or app. For example: For a content publisher, engagement may be scrolling slowly down the page, indicating the user is scrolling to read vs scrolling to find out length of article. For an ecommerce site, engagement may be viewing product details, or spending a certain amount of time on a page. For an online banking app, engagement may be checking an account balance. For a college site, engagement may be watching an informational video.

  • Goals: Goals measure how well your site or app fulfills your target objectives. A goal represents a completed activity, called a conversion, that contributes to the success of your business. Examples of goals include making a purchase (for an ecommerce site), completing a game level (for a mobile gaming app), or submitting a contact information form (for a marketing or lead generation site).

  • Keywords: A keyword is a word or phrase that relates to the products or services you want to advertise. When consumers type keywords into search engines, the search engines display an ad from the keyword's ad group.

  • Last Click or Direct Conversions and Last Click or Direct Conversion Value:

    This is the number (and monetary value) of sales and conversions the channel closed or completed. The final click or direct traffic before a conversion gets last interaction credit for that conversion. The higher these numbers, the more important the channel's role in driving completion of sales and conversions.

  • Pages/Sessions: It’s the average number of pages viewed per session.

  • Page Views: Number of times a page —tracked by the Analytics code— is viewed. Each time the user clicks reload after reaching the page, counts as an additional page view.

  • Reach: Reach is the total number of people who have viewed or clicked on the contents on your site.

  • Revenue: Displays the total revenue of ecommerce transactions

  • Sessions: Number of sessions defined as a set of user interactions with a web site; by default, sessions end every 30 minutes or whenever the same user logs in from another traffic source.

  • Sessions with Search: The number of sessions that used your site's search function at least once.

  • Site search: Site Search lets you understand the extent to which users took advantage of your site’s search function, which search terms they entered, and how effectively the search results created deeper engagement with your site.

  • Top 10 events: Events are customized actions performed by a user and recorded on a GA account. An event can be clicked on a link, press a button, and download content. The top 10 events are those with the most clicks.

  • Traffic sources: Sources from where visits originated; organic, cpc, referral, etc.

  • Transactions: Shows the number of sales made on your website.

  • Users: Number of unique users viewing a page either as a first hit or while navigating.

Google Analytics 4

  • Audience by Gender: Gender of the user (male, female or indeterminate).

  • Event Counter per User: The average number of triggered events per user.

  • Interaction rate: The percentage of interactions is the percentage of sessions with interaction.

  • New Users: Number of users who first interacted with your site or launched your app.

  • Sessions: A session is a set of interactions that take place on your website in a given period. Each session ends after 30 minutes of inactivity or at midnight of that day.

  • Sessions with interaction: The number of sessions that lasted at least 10 seconds or had 1 or more conversion events or 2 or more screen views.

  • Total Buyers: The number of unique users who have made at least one purchase.

  • Users: Number of unique people who have entered the site during a specific period.

  • Views: Total number of application screens and/or web pages that your users viewed.

Google Ads

  • Active View Average CPM: Average cost of viewable impressions.

  • Active View CTR: Active view measurable clicks divided by active view viewable impressions.
    This metric is reported only for the Display Network.

  • Active View Measurable Cost: The cost of the impressions you received that were measurable by Active View.

  • Active View Measurable Impressions: The number of times your ads are appearing on placements in positions where they can be seen.

  • Active View Viewable Impressions: How often your ad has become viewable on a Display Network site.

  • All Conv: The value of all conversions.

  • All Conv Rate: All conversions from interactions (as opposed to view through conversions) divided by the number of ad interactions.

  • All Conv Value: The value of all conversions from interactions divided by the total number of interactions.

  • Avg. Cost: The average amount you pay per interaction. This amount is the total cost of your ads divided by the total number of interactions.

  • Average cost-per-click (Avg. CPC): The total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks received.

  • Average CPE: The average amount that you've been charged for an ad engagement. This amount is the total cost of all ad engagements divided by the total number of ad engagements.

  • Average CPM: Average cost-per-thousand impressions.

  • Average CPV: Is the average paid amount when a viewer watches 30 seconds of your video (or the whole video, if it lasts less than 30 seconds) or if participates with his video.

  • Avg. Position: Your ad's position relative to those of other advertisers.

  • Avg. session duration (seconds): The average time someone stayed on your site.

  • Bounce rate %: It shows the percentage of visitors that logged in and out of the web site without visiting any other site.

  • Browsers: This section describes which browser (Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, etc) were used to access the tracked website.

  • Clicks: When someone clicks your ad, AdWords counts a click.

  • Click Assisted Conv: The total number of conversions for which this keyword, ad, ad group, or campaign contributed to one or more assisted clicks. This field is formatted using US locale, i.e., using comma "," for thousands and dot "." for decimals.

  • Complete: Number of times that a video plays to its completion.

  • Content Lost IS (budget): The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Display Network but didn't because your budget was too low. Note: Content budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.

  • Content Lost IS (rank): The estimated percentage of impressions on the Display Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Content rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001.

  • Conversion: Measures ad success including other related values, such as ‘Conversion ratio’ or ‘Cost/conversion’.

  • Conversion rate: Tells you how often, on average, an ad click or other ad interaction leads to a conversion. It’s calculated by dividing “Conversions” by the total eligible interactions (like ad clicks or video ad views.)

  • Conversion Value: Is the sum of conversion values for your “Conversions.” You have to enter a value for your conversion actions to make this metric useful.

  • Cost / all conv: The cost of ad interactions divided by all conversions.

  • Cost per conversion ( Cost / conv ): Tells you how much, on average, each of your conversions cost. It’s calculated by dividing your total cost by the number in your “Conversions” column.

  • CPM: Average cost every 1,000 impressions.

  • Cross-device conv: Conversions from when a customer clicks on a Google Ads ad on one device, then converts on a different device or browser. Cross-device conversions are already included in all_conversions.

  • CTR rate: Is the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown.

  • Devices: Describes what devices - desktop, tablet, cell phone - were used to access the website.

  • Display Impres. Share: The impressions you’ve received on the Display Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.

  • Engagement: Interactions of a user with an ad.

  • Engagement rate: The number of times people engage with your ad divided by the number of times your ad is shown.

  • Frequency: Shows how many people saw your ads a number of times within a selected date range.

    This metric is only available at the campaign level, not ad groups, ads, or totals.

  • Gmail Clicks to Website: The number of clicks to your landing page on the expanded state of Gmail ads.

  • Gmail Forwards: The number of times the ad was forwarded to someone else as a message.

  • Gmail Saves: The number of times someone has saved your Gmail ad to their inbox as a message.

  • Impressions: An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or another site on the Google Network.

  • Impressions Assisted Conversions: Total number of conversions for which this object triggered assist impressions prior to the last click. This field is formatted using US locale, i.e., using comma "," for thousands and dot "." for decimals.

  • Impression Assisted Conv. Value: Total value of all conversions for which this object triggered assist impressions.

  • Impressions Assisted Conv. / Last Click Conv: Total number of conversions for which this object triggered assist impressions divided by the total number of conversions for which this object triggered the last click.

  • Impressions share: This metric is calculated by taking the number of impressions your ad received divided by the total number of impressions your ad was eligible to receive.

  • Interactions: The number of interactions. An interaction is the main user action associated with an ad format--clicks for text and shopping ads, views for video ads, and so on.

  • Interaction Rate: How often people interact with your ad after it is shown to them. This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad is shown.

  • Interaction Types: The types of interactions that are reflected in the Interactions, InteractionRate, and AverageCost columns.

  • Invalid Clicks: Number of clicks Google considers illegitimate and doesn't charge you for.

  • Invalid Click Rate: The percentage of clicks filtered out of your total number of clicks (filtered + non-filtered clicks) during the reporting period.

  • Investment (usd): Shows the amount destined for a campaign.

  • Midpoint: Number of times that a video is played until the middle of its view length.

  • Pageview: A pageview (or pageview hit, page tracking hit) is an instance of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser. Pageviews is a metric defined as the total number of pages viewed.

  • Pageviews / sessions: Total number of pages viewed. Repeated views of a single page are counted.

  • Phone Calls: Number of offline phone calls.

  • Phone Impressions: Number of offline phone impressions.

  • Phone Through Rate (PTR): Number of phone calls received (phone calls) divided by the number of times your phone number is shown (phone impressions).

  • Ranking: A value that's used to determine your ad position (where ads are shown on a page relative to other ads) and whether your ads will show at all.

  • Reach (Ad reach): is the estimated number of people, within a target location, based on logged in users. The estimate is made based on a set of factors that includes: Number of accounts used per person, number of temporary visitors within a location, length of time each person remains on a page, and number of logged in people.

    This metric is only available for the campaigns level, but not for ad groups, ads, or totals. Visits from Search Partner or Google Display are not included in the Reach estimate.

  • Relative CTR: Your clickthrough rate (Ctr) divided by the average clickthrough rate of all advertisers on the websites that show your ads. Measures how your ads perform on Display Network sites compared to other ads on the same sites.

  • Returning visitor: a visitor who has already been to your website in a predetermined time frame and has initiated another session using the same browser on the same device.

  • Search Exact Match Impression Share: The impressions you've received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your keyword), regardless of your keyword match types.

  • Search Impr. share: The impressions you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive.

    Eligible impressions are estimated based on several factors, including targeting settings, approval statuses, and quality. Impression share data is available for campaigns, ad groups, product groups (for Shopping campaigns), and keywords.

  • Search Lost IS (budget): The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Display Network but didn't because your budget was too low.

  • Search Lost IS (rank): The number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad above the organic search results due to poor Ad Rank.

  • Search Abs. Top Impression Share: The percentage of the customer's Shopping or Search ad impressions that are shown in the most prominent Shopping position

  • Session: A session is a group of user interactions with your website that take place within a given time frame. For example a single session can contain multiple page views, events, social interactions, and ecommerce transactions.

  • Sources: Sources from where visits originated. This refers to the site the user was visiting before accessing the website.

  • Top 10 events: Events are customized actions performed by a user and recorded on a GA account. An event can be clicking on a link or a button, or downloading content. The top 10 events are those with most activity.

  • Users: The Users and Active Users metrics show how many users engaged with your site or app.

  • Value / all conv: The value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions.

  • Value / conv: The value of conversions divided by the number of conversions.

  • Video played to 25%: Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 25% of your video.

  • Video played to 50%: Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 50% of your video.

  • Video played to 75%: Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 75% of your video.

  • Video played to 100%: Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched all of your video.

  • View-through conv: The total number of view-through conversions. These happen when a customer sees an image or rich media ad, then later completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (for example, clicking on) another ad.

  • Views: The number of times your video ads were viewed.

  • View rate: The number of views your TrueView video ad receives divided by its number of impressions, including thumbnail impressions for TrueView in-display ads.

  • Visitors: Contrasting new and returning visitors.

  • New visitors: This metric shows the number of new visitors.


  • Comments: Number of comments obtained on the contents published during the campaign period.

  • Engagement rate impressions no video views: This metric is calculated by dividing the number of interactions by the number of impressions, multiplied by one hundred, minus the number of video views.
    This metric is calculated by Bunker DB: (media interactions ÷ media impressions)*100 - video views

  • Followers: Historical followers number to the current day.

  • Impressions: Total number of times the IG Media object has been seen.

  • Interactions: Is the total of likes, comments, saves and video views.

  • Likes: Number of likes obtained in contents published during the campaign period.

  • Media engagement rate impressions: Engagement rate based on impressions is calculated by dividing the number of interactions by the number of impressions and multiplied by one hundred.
    This metric is calculated by Bunker DB: (media interactions ÷ media impressions)*100.

  • New followers: Followers obtained during the selected period.

  • Photos: Number of photos published during the campaign period.

  • Posts: Number of posts made throughout the selected period differentiated by photo or video.

  • Profile visits: Number of times that your Instagram profile has been visited.

  • Reach: Total number of unique Instagram accounts that have seen the IG Media object.

  • Reach / Universe: This metric is calculated based on the total number of people you could potentially reach (universe) and the % of that audience that you intend to impact with your advertising.
    This metric is only available as a KPI

  • Saved: Number of unique Instagram accounts who saved a picture, video, story, album, or IGTV post.

  • Stories exits: Times that a person has exited your story.

  • Stories responses: Total of responses on a story. The value does not include responses from Europe, since December first of 2020, and Japan since April first of 2021.

  • Taps forward: Total taps made to see next stories.

  • Taps back: Total taps made to see previous stories.

  • Total Impressions post+stories: Total impressions generated on your Instagram stories.

  • Total Interactions: Sum of "Likes", "Comments", "Saved posts", and "Actions" in every type of publications.

  • Total Reach (28 days): The number of unique accounts that have viewed a post during a 28-day period.

  • Videos: Number of videos published during the campaign period.


  • Clicks: Shows the number of clicks on your content, company name, or logo by a (signed in) member. This doesn't include interactions (shares, reactions, and comments).

  • Comments: Shows the number of comments made on your post

  • CTR: Shows the number of clicks your post received divided by the number of impressions your post received.

  • Engagement: Sum of organic clicks, likes, comments and shares.

  • Engagement rate: Shows the number of interactions plus the number of clicks and followers acquired, divided by the number of impressions.

  • Follows: Shows the number of follow clicks on your sponsored content

  • Impressions: Shows the number of times each post is visible for at least 300 milliseconds with at least 50 percent in view on a (signed in) member’s device screen or browser window.

  • Shares: Shows the number of times your post has been shared

  • Unique impressions: Shows the number of times your posts were shown to unique (signed in) members.

  • Views; Shows the number of times your video post was viewed for three seconds or more or when your article was completely loaded. Views won’t be shown for a member whose associated company has less than 10 employees or if the views from a company are greater than 10 percent of the company’s size.

LinkedIn Ads

  • Average CPC: It is defined as Spent ÷ Clicks.

  • Average CTR: Defined as (Clicks ÷ Impressions) x100.

  • Average CPM: It is defined as (Spent ÷ impressions)x1000.

  • Average Frequency: Defined as impressions ÷ reach.

  • Click to Open Rate: It is defined as (message ad clicks ÷ opens)*100.

  • Conversion Rate: It is defined as (total conversions ÷ clicks)*100.

  • Cost per 1000 accounts reached: It is defined as (spent ÷ reach)*1000 where reach is the approximateUniqueImpressions.

  • Cost Per Lead: Defined as spent ÷ oneClickLeads

  • Cost Per Open: It is defined as spent ÷ opened.

  • Completion Rate: Defined as (completions ÷ views)*100.

  • Cost per Send: It is defined as spent ÷ sends.

  • eCPV: Defined as spent ÷ views.

  • Engagement Rate: It is defined as (total engagement ÷ impressions)*100.

  • Open Rate: Defined as (open ÷ sends)*100.

  • Reach: The estimated number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. This metric is only available when the number of days in the date range is less than or equal to 92 days.

  • Return on Ad Spend: Defined as the total value of conversions ÷ spend.

  • View Rate: Defined as (views ÷ impressions)*100.

  • Viral Video Completion Rate: Defined as (viral Video Completions ÷ viral Video Views)*100.


  • Abuse Complaints: Your contacts can report emails as spam in their email program. You've probably seen this option in your Gmail or Yahoo accounts. If an ISP has what is called a feedback loop (most of them do), a recipient who marks one of your emails as spam gets registered as an abuse complaint in your Mailchimp account. How this is handled depends on the email provider, but in Mailchimp, we immediately move them out of your active audience and into the abuse complaints area.

  • Benchmark: Measures your mailing campaign performance against similar business. Set "Industry" on your Mailchimp account to show this metric.

  • Bounces: Bounces occur when an email can't be delivered to an email address. When an email bounces, Mailchimp classifies it as either a soft or a hard bounce.

    • Hard bounces: Hard bounces happen when an email can't be delivered. This can be caused by an invalid email address or an unexpected error during sending.

    • Soft bounces: Soft bounces are recognized by the email server, but are returned to the sender for a variety of reasons. This can include issues like the mailbox being full or temporarily unavailable.

  • Click rate: Number of clicks generated on a mailing campaign divided by the number of people sent to on that list.

  • Forward to a Friend Link: Our Forward to a Friend tool allows your subscribed contacts to forward your campaign to their friends, and we track these forwards in your campaign reports. It's a good idea to include a Forward to a Friend link in all your campaigns, especially if your contacts are likely to share your content via email.

  • Industry: Define the type of your business. Mailchimp could complete this information based on the default values of your campaigns or content, but you can customize them if it's necessary.

  • Industry average %: The average percentages for campaigns sent in the industry set for your account.

  • Open rate %: The measure of opens per sent email campaign divided by the number of people sent that campaign on a list.

  • Unsubscribe: When a subscriber in your audience opts out of future email marketing, it's called an unsubscribe.


  • Comment count: Number of comments on the video.

  • Comment count on period: Number of comments obtained on the contents published during the period.

  • Follower count: User's followers count.

  • Following count: The number of accounts that the user is following.

  • Interactions: Sum of likes, comments and shares on the video.

  • Like count: Number of likes for the video.

  • Like count for the period: The total number of "likes" received by the user on all his videos during the period.

  • Total Likes count: The total number of "likes" received by the user on all their videos.

  • Share count: Number of shares of the video.

  • Share count on period: Number of shares of your videos during the period.

  • Total interactions for the period: Sum of likes, comments and shares on all your videos of the period.

  • Total user videos: The total number of publicly posted videos by the user.

  • Total user videos in a period: Total number of videos posted by the user during the period.

  • View count: Number of views of the video.

  • View count on period: Number of views for all videos during the period.

TikTok Ads

  • App Event Add: The number of unique times a user added items to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads.

  • App Event Add to Cart Rate: The percentage of unique add-to-cart events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • App Install: The number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Average Video Play: The average time your video was played per single video view, including any time spent replaying the video.

  • Checkout: The number of unique checkout events that are attributed to your ads.

  • Checkout Rate: The percentage of unique checkout events out of all app install events.

  • Clicks: The number of clicks on your ads that led users to advertiser-specified destinations like websites, apps, or to the app store.

  • Comments: The number of comments your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

  • Complete Payment: The number of Complete Payment events that are attributed to your ads.

  • Complete Payment Rate: The percentage of complete payment events out of all click events.

  • Complete Payment ROAS: The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from complete payment events that are attributed to your ads.

  • Conversion: The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the secondary goal you selected. As one campaign may have a number of different secondary goals, this statistic is not supported for campaigns. Please go to ad groups or ads to view. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of results you achieved out of all the clicks on your ads. Calculated as conversions/clicks.

  • Cost per 1000 Reached: The average cost to reach 1,000 unique users accounts. This metric is estimated.

  • Cost per App Event Add to Cart: The average cost for each add-to-cart event.

  • Cost per App Install: The average cost of each app install event.

  • Cost per Checkout: The average cost for each unique checkout event that is attributed to your ads.

  • Cost per Complete Payment: The average cost of each Complete Payment event.

  • Cost per Conversion: The average amount of money you've spent on a conversion. Calculated as: Cost/Conversion or Install.

  • Cost per CTA Conversion: The average cost for each conversion event that is attributed to a click on your ad.

  • Cost per Form: The number of form submission events.

  • Cost per Login: The average cost for each unique login event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Cost per Purchase: The average cost of each unique purchase. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Cost per Registration: The average cost for each unique registration that is attributed to your ad. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Cost per Result: The average cost for each result from your ads. As one campaign may have a number of different optimization goals, this metric is not supported at advertiser level or campaign level. Please go to ad groups or ads to view the cost per result. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Cost per Search: The average cost for each unique search event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Cost per Total App Event Add to Cart: Cost per add-to-cart (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Cost per Total Checkout: Cost per Checkout (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Cost per Total Login: Cost per Login (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Cost per Total Purchase: The average cost for each purchase event. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Cost per Total Registration: Cost per Registration (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Cost per Total Search: The average cost for each search event in your mobile app that was recorded as an app event and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Cost per Total View Content: Cost per View Content (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Cost per User Registration: The average cost of each user registration event.

    Cost per View Content: The average cost for each unique view content event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Cost per VTA Purchase: The average cost for each payment event that attribute to impression.

  • CPC: The average amount of money you've spent on a click (destination).

  • CPM: The average amount of money you've spent per 1,000 impressions.

  • CTA Conversion: The number of conversion events that are attributed to a click on your ad.

  • CTR: The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click (destination).

  • Currency: The currency code, e. g. USD.

  • Engagement Rate: The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed a click (all).

  • Engagements: The sum of all clickable interactions on your ads, including clicks led to advertiser-specified destinations and non-destination clicks from social actions and interactive experiences.

  • Follows: The number of new followers that were gained within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad. This metric is only for Spark Ads.

  • Form: The number of form submission events.

  • Form Rate: The percentage of form submission events out of all click events.

  • Frequency: The average number of times each person saw your ad.

  • Impressions: The number of times your ads were on screen.

  • Interactive Add-On Destination Clicks: The number of destination clicks within the Interactive Add-on, that led to advertiser-specified destinations. Clicks that are measured include: Display Card, Gift Code Sticker, Pop-Out Showcase, Button clicks on the Gesture Popup Window, Countdown Sticker, Superlike.

  • Interactive Add-On Impressions: The number of times your interactive add-on was on screen. Impressions that are measured include: Display Card, Gift Code Sticker, Pop-Out Showcase, Gesture, Voting Sticker, Countdown Sticker, Superlike.

  • Likes: The number of likes your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

  • Login: The number of unique logins in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Login Rate: The percentage of unique login events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Pageview Rate: The percentage of page view events out of all click events.

  • Profile Visits: The number of profile visits the paid ad drove during the campaign. This metric is only for Spark Ads.

  • Profile Visits Rate: The rate of profile visits per impression the paid ad drove during the campaign. This metric is only for Spark Ads.

  • Purchase: The number of unique purchases events occurred in your app that were recorded by your measurement partner. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Purchase Rate: The percentage of unique purchase events out of all the app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Result: The number of times your ad achieved an outcome, based on the optimization goal you selected. As one campaign may have a number of different optimization goals, this metric is not supported at advertiser level or campaign level. Please go to ad groups or ads to view the results. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Result Rate: The percentage of results you achieved out of all of the views/clicks on your ads. As one campaign may have a number of different optimization goals, this metric is not supported at advertiser level or campaign level. Please go to ad groups or ads to view the result rate. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Search: The number of unique searches in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Search Rate: The percentage of unique search events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Shares: The number of shares your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.

  • Spend: The estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad group or ad during its schedule.

  • Total Active Pay ROAS: Return on ad spend (ROAS) from purchase events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Total App Event Add to Cart: add-to-cart (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Total App Event Add to Cart Value: Total add-to-cart Value (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Total checkout: Checkout (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)

  • Total Checkout Value: Total Checkout Value (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Total Form Value: The total value returned from form submission events.

  • Total Landing Page View: The number of landing page view events from your ads.

  • Total Login: Login (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Total Page View: The total number of page view events.The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.

  • Total Purchase: The number of purchase events that are attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Total Purchase Value: The total value returned from all purchase events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Total Registration: Total Registration. The total count is based on when you were billed.

  • Total Search: The number of search events in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Total View Content: The total count is based on when you were billed.

  • Total View Content Value: Total View Content Value (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • User Registration: The number of user registration events.

  • User Registration Rate: The percentage of user registration events out of all click events.

  • Value per Checkout: Value per Checkout (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Value per Form: The average value returned from form submission events.

  • Value per Total App Event Add to Cart: Value per add-to-cart (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Value per Total Purchase: The average value returned from each purchase event. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • Value per Total View Content: Value per View Content (The total count is based on when you were billed).

  • Value per User Registration: The average value returned from user registration events.

  • Video Play Actions: The number of times your video starts to play. Replays will not be counted.

  • Video Views P100: The number of times your video was played at 100% of its length. Replays will not be counted.

  • View Content: The number of unique times a user viewed content in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • View Content Rate: The percentage of unique view content events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred).

  • VTA Conversion: The number of conversion events that are attributed to an ad impression.

  • VTA Purchase: The number of in-app payment events that attribute to impression, based on information received from your measurement partner.

X (Twitter)

  • CPM: The average cost for 1,000 impressions.

  • CTR (click-through rate): Total engagements on an ad divided by impressions.

  • Engagement: Engagement is measured by the number of favs and retweets obtained overall by the account.

  • Has ads associated?: Indicates whether the tweet has associated ads.

  • Interactions: Total number of times a user has interacted with a tweet. This includes clicks anywhere on the tweet,retweets, replies, follows, likes, links, cards, hashtags, embedded multimedia content, username, profile picture, or expanding the tweet.

  • Mentions: Total number of mentions made on original tweets; this means that mentions on replies to tweets made by the account won’t be considered for this metric.

  • Non public impression count: A count of how many times the Tweet has been viewed (not unique by user). A view is counted if any part of the Tweet is visible on the screen. Using this field, this returns the total count of impressions from both organic and paid contexts.

    • Organic impression count: Count of impressions from organic contexts.

    • Promoted impression count: Count of impressions from promoted contexts.

  • Non-public URL link clicks: A count of the number of times a user clicks on a URL link or URL preview card in a Tweet.

    • Organic url links: Count of URL link clicks from organic contexts.

    • Promoted url links: Count of URL link clicks from paid contexts.

  • Non public user profile clicks: A count of the number of times a user clicks the following portions of a Tweet: display name, user name, profile picture.

    • Organic user profile clicks: Count of user profile clicks from organic contexts.

    • Promoted user profile clicks: This returns the count of user profile clicks from paid contexts.

  • Platforms %: This chart shows the percentage of usage of different platforms; Android, Web client, iPhone, mobile, etc.

  • Quantity of ads: Number of ads associated to the tweet.

  • Replies: The number of replies to your tweets.

  • Retweets: Total number of retweets a specific tweet obtained.

    • Organic retweet count: Total count of Retweets from organic contexts.

    • Promoted retweet count:

  • Followers: The number of people following your Twitter accounts.

  • New Followers: Total number of account followers by the time the analytic report is made.

  • Tweets: Shows how many tweets were posted throughout the selected period.

  • Tweet Favorites: Shows how many times a tweet was marked as favorite.

    • Organic like count: Count of favorites from organic contexts.

    • Promoted like count: Count of favorites from promoted contexts.

  • Tweet Reply: A count of how many times the Tweet has been replied to. This will return the total count of replies from both organic and paid contexts, in order to maintain consistency with the counts shown publicly on Twitter.

    • Organic reply count: Total count of replies from organic contexts.

    • Promoted reply count: Total count of replies from paid contexts.

  • Top users: This module lists users with the most number of tweets and followers who have interacted the most with the account.

  • Top tweets: Lists the tweets with better interaction scores —retweets, favs and interactions—.

  • VTR (View Through Rate): Number of completed views of a skippable ad over the initial impressions.

X Ads (Twitter Ads)

  • Average Frequency: The average number of times a user is shown one of your ads.

  • Clicks: When a user either clicks directly on a promoted campaign or component of a promoted campaign. We track this metric for all three types of campaigns because it plays a significant role in the campaign’s resonance score.

  • Complete Views (Video): The number of times the viewer reached the 100% mark in the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • CPC: Total campaign spend divided by total number of clicks.

  • CPM: Cost per 1,000 ad impressions.

  • CPV: The cost per video play.

  • eCPE: Effective Cost Per Engagement accounts for additional engagements tied to your Promoted Tweet campaign that you aren’t billed for.

  • CTR: Total engagements on an ad divided by impressions.

  • Engagements: A count of the number of times a user has interacted with the Tweet.

  • Engagement rate: The number of engagements divided by total impressions.

  • First-Quartile Views (Video): The number of times the viewer reached the 25% mark in the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • Follows: Total number of follows.

  • Impressions: The number of users who see a campaign. We only count impressions on promoted content, so any impressions generated organically are not counted.

  • Investment: The total amount of spend for your ad group.

  • Media engagements: A count of how many times media such as an image or video in the Tweet has been clicked.

  • Media Views: A count of all views (autoplay and click) of your media counted across videos, gifs, and images.

  • Midpoint Views (Video): The number of times the viewer reached the 50% mark in the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • Promoted Accounts: The number of clicks on a Promoted Account username or avatar. A click on the follow link or the hide link on the WTF panel does not record a click.

  • Promoted Trends: When a user clicks on the Promoted Tweet (or a link or hashtag within the Tweet copy) connected to the Promoted Trend. This includes if a user searches for the Promoted Trend and subsequently clicks on the trend’s Promoted Tweet (or link or hashtag within the Tweet copy).

  • Promoted Tweets: The number of clicks on the Promoted Tweet. Includes clicks on the URL (shortened or regular links), profile pic, screen name, username, detail, hashtags and faves.

  • Reach: Number of unique users who see your ad within a set period of time.

  • Replies: A count of how many times the Tweet has been replied to.

  • Retweets: A count of how many times the Tweet has been Retweeted.

  • Third-Quartile Views (Video): The number of times the viewer reached the 75% mark in the video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • Video starts: The number of times someone started a video, regardless of how much of the video player is in view.

  • Video views: Video views only count when your video is watched in 50% view for 2 seconds or more, or when someone clicks to expand/unmute your video.

  • VTR: The number of video views divided by total impressions.


  • Comments: Total number of comments made by users.

  • Devices %: Determines the percentage of different devices used to navigate the site.

  • Likes: Total number of likes given by users.

  • Locations %: Shows the percentage of different locations from which videos are watched; watch page, embedded, channel page, others.

  • New subscribers: Total subscription obtained by the channel during intervals of campaign dates.

  • Reproductions: Number of reproductions of a video.

  • Sources: Reproductions by reference source of a video view: website, module or site that created a video view. Fuentes: Cantidad de reproducciones por fuente de referencia de la vista de un video: la página, módulo o sitio que generó la vista de un video.

  • Subscribers: Total of subscribers at the current time of analysis on Bunker or until the last campaign day, in case it is over.

  • Total actions: Total number of interactions —likes, unlikes, or comments— from users.

  • Top 10 most viewed videos: List of the 10 most viewed videos. This module shows for each video, the number of views, comments received by the video, likes and unlikes obtained, and the percentage —of the total duration of the video— that has been watched on average. This last value can be over 100 % if users go back and forth during their viewing.

  • Unlikes: Total number of unlikes given by users.

  • Videos: The Videos graphic shows how many videos have been posted during the last month or year.

  • Videos of the month: Shows a list of every video posted during the selected month.

  • Views: Number of daily views throughout the selected period.

  • Watch time %: Draws an average of time users watch your videos.

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