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How to connect Facebook

Connect your brand's fan page and closely monitor your organic results.

Written by Daniela Raviales
Updated over 10 months ago

Follow these steps to connect your brand's Facebook fanpage.

  1. Select Facebook from the «Social Media» section of the «Analytics» module.

  2. Click «Continue with Facebook» to start connecting your account.

    ️↩️You will be momentarily redirected to the network authorization page to grant necessary accesses so your data can be downloaded into the Bunker DB Analytics platform.

    ↩️ Once the network authorization procedure is finished you will be redirected and you must continue the process in Bunker DB analytics

  3. Click «Continue» to grant necessary download permissions.

  4. Choose the businesses and pages you want Bunker DB to access. Click Continue.

    ↩️️Once the network authorization procedure is completed, you will be redirected to Bunker DB Analytics to finish the process.

  5. Select the account to be connected from the drop-down menu.

  6. Click «Save Network» to finish the procedure.


The download will depend on the volume of data generated in the two years prior to the date of connection. If after 24 hours the data has not been downloaded, contact [email protected] or via the platform chat.

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