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Choose the time period you want to report

Both in your Analytics panel and in Campaigns, you can select a time range—higher or lower— in the period of time you are analyzing.

Written by Daniela Raviales
Updated over a year ago

Get a broader view of your brand results and see how your brand results evolve towards your goals. Bunker DB allows you to analyze your data for periods of time to better understand your path to success.

Make sure periods are enabled for the brand.

Start analyzing your results according to the period that interests you with these steps:

  1. Go to "Edit Brand".

  2. Select "General Information".

  3. Click “Enable periods for this brand and its campaigns”.

  4. Confirm the action by clicking “Save changes”.

Each time a set of periods is enabled, Bunker DB will download and update the data for that selection and will ignore the information for periods left unselected.


You may notice a delay in downloading —depending on the volume— of data. If you do not get data within 24 hours, contact us at [email protected].

Setup time periods

You can have up to four periods enabled simultaneously.

  1. Click on the subperiod that appears by default to display the options.

  2. Click on ⚙️ to display the subperiods to use.

  3. Click on each period you want to display.

  4. Click on "Save" to finish.

Periods in Analytics dashboard

  • Annual — Select a calendar year. The current year is presented for paid media and the previous year from when the period is connected. In the case of social media, the period goes from the network connection date and its history.

  • Semester — Select the first or second semester of the year. The current year and the previous year are presented from when the period is connected for paid media. In the case of social media, the period goes from the network connection date and its history.

  • Quarter — Select a quarter of the year: January to March, April to June, July to September, or October to December. The current year is presented for paid media and the previous year from when the period is connected. In social media, the period goes from the network connection date and its record history.

  • Monthly (default) — Select a month of the current year or earlier. It is counted from the network connection date. The history is displayed normally.

  • Weekly — Select a period of seven days for paid media networks; information is obtained up to eight weeks.

  • Last 15 days — Select the last 15 days after the period is connected, if the connection is already made; if not, from the connection date.

  • Last 7 days — Select the last 7 days after the period is connected, if the connection is already made; if not, from the connection date.

  • Last 3 days — Select the last 3 days after the period is connected, if the connection is already made; if not, from the connection date.

Periods in campaigns

For the campaigns, the same periods as for the dashboard are maintained, and the periods are added:

  • Campaign period — Select the entire period of time that the campaign comprises.

  • Until last month — Select until the last day of the month before the selected one until the current day. Bunker DB can only display data from the beginning of the campaign to the last month.

    Any period longer than the campaign’s duration does not apply. For example, if a campaign lasts one month, you can't choose annual, semi-annual, or quarterly periods for that campaign.

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