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How to connect X Ads

Analyze the performance of your paid advertising on X to understand how to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Written by Daniela Raviales
Updated over 7 months ago

Your brand's presence on X Ads is crucial to reach a highly engaged and diverse audience, allowing for highly accurate targeting through demographics and interests. Connect your X Ads account to Bunker to understand the performance of your marketing efforts on this network across its global spectrum.

Connect your X Ads account

  1. From the Paid Media section of your Analytics module, click on the X Ads network icon.

  2. Click “Continue with X Ads” to get started. You will be redirected to the network authorization page. If you were already logged in with a Google account, the authorization page will detect your active session and ask you to choose the account.

  3. Click on «Authorize app».

    ↩️ Once the network authorization procedure is complete, you will be redirected and should continue the process in Bunker DB Analytics.

    Important: The user of the network with which the connection is made must have the administrator role for the process to be carried out correctly.

  4. Select your X account from the dropdown menu.

  5. Click on “Save Network” to finish the procedure.

If the connection process was successful you will see the connection made as follows:

You can connect more ad accounts within the network by clicking on the ➕ icon located on the right margin of the header.

🚨The data download time will depend on the volume of data generated two years before the connection date. If the data hasn't fully downloaded in 24 hours, contact [email protected] or through the platform chat.

The information corresponding to timeline takeover campaigns is not available through the X API, so you will not be able to view it in Bunker.

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