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Create organic lead tables

Organic leads tables—stored in CSV format—allow you to easily consolidate and access your consumer's data.

Written by Daniela Raviales
Updated over 4 months ago

When you collect data from offline consumers, at points of sale, or from special promotions and have it stored in CSV format, Bunker allows you to upload it very easily and consolidate it with leads from other media and ads so that you have the most complete information about your consumers in one place.

The leads you upload offline through a CSV document are classified as "organic leads."

To create an organic leads table follow these steps:

  1. Once you have completed the CSV upload process, head over to your campaign and select the “Leads performance” tab.

  2. Click the “Create table” button.

  3. Select “Standard Table”.

    For organic leads, it is not possible to set up an automatic table where UTMs are automatically loaded.

  4. Include a name for your new table.

  5. Select “Organic Leads.”

    You can only create one organic lead table per Bunker campaign.

  6. Click “Next.”​

    • If necessary, you can enable the option to include leads in metrics that involve investment (CPL, CPC, CPS, ROAS and ROAS%).

  7. Click the “Save and Finish” button.

Once you've completed the steps, you'll see your leads from other media like this:

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