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Add target audience
Lucía Achigar avatar
Written by Lucía Achigar
Updated over a week ago

This document describes how to add a target audience to your brand or campaign in Bunker DB to use this section on your consumers automatically.

Step by step — how to add your target audience

  1. Click on the Administration tab on the left.

  2. Select the “Bunker DB Settings” and “Target Audience” tab.

  3. Complete the required data to divide your target audience.

  4. Click Add to save.

  5. You will see a list like this

As you add new segmentations, you'll see them listed below. You can edit or delete them with the pencil and trashbin icons

Step by step – Assign a target audience to a brand

  1. From the Administration panel, go to the edition of your brand.

  2. On the "General Information" tab click on "+ Add" target audience.

  3. Select, on the pop-up window, the established month and segmentation.

  4. Click on add to save changes.

Step by step – Assign your campaign's public

  1. Go to your campaign's edition.

  2. On General information, on the lower margin, you'll find "Target public."

  3. Set the segmentation, potential audience, reach and objectives

  4. If you are going to use the same target audience as the brand, you can just check the box located in the right corner.

  5. Click "Save" to confirm the changes.

Target publics are set up by brand monthly and are saved historically. When you select any target public for a campaign, there shouldn't be other publics previously selected for any months.

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