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Create a query in advanced mode — Listening
Create a query in advanced mode — Listening

Use the advanced mode to generate queries with multiple rules and specific searches.

Written by Daniela Raviales
Updated over 2 years ago

1. Click on the green "Create new query" button.

2. Click "Skip to advanced mode".

3. Type in a query using words, phrases and operators.

4.Click "Next", choose the sources you want to explore.

5. Click "Next" and set up the filters.

6. Click "Save query" to complete the process.



The “OR” operator segments the search for different keywords. One, some, or all of the keywords you enter will show in your feed.

data OR data science OR big data

✅Data is a collection of discrete values that convey information.

✅Data science combines math and statistics, specialized programming, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning.

A data scientist is someone who creates programming code and combines it with statistical knowledge to create insights from data.

✅Big data refers to any large and complex collection of data.


All the keywords you enter with AND must appear in the mentions in order to appear in the search results. AND narrows the search by discarding mentions that do not contain all the keywords.

data AND data science

✅Data science combines math and statistics, specialized programming, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning to create insights from data.

❎Data is a collection of discrete values that convey information.

❎Data science combines math and statistics, specialized programming, advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning.


Refine your search for mentions by excluding specific keywords or phrases.

data OR data science AND data science.

data analysis AND NOT data science

✅Data analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data.
❎Data analysis is a part of data science.


Search for keywords written as they appear, differentiating between uppercase and lowercase letters.

data OR data science
AND Big Data/CS

✅Big data refers to any large and complex collection of data.
✅Big Data refers to any large and complex collection of data.

Special characters

« * »

The asterisk replaces any number of variable characters in a keyword.

Example: "dat*" returns results like:

  • data

  • data science

  • data

« . »

The dot replaces a specific character in one or more keywords.

Example: "da.a" returns results like:

  • data

  • dada

« ? »

With the question mark, a keyword is searched where the position in which it is found may or may not have a character.

Example: "data?science" returns results like:

  • data science

  • data_science

  • data science

Quotation marks — " "

You can search for entire phrases by adding quotation marks at the beginning and end.

Example: “data science analysis” OR “data science analyst”.

Parentheses — ( )

Using the curved brackets you can determine which operators are connected with which keywords.

Example: (bunkerdb AND analytics) OR (bunkerdb AND marketing)


The NEAR operator allows you to determine a set amount of words that must appear between two keywords. The value of n is changed to the number of words to count.

Example: “data” NEAR/3 “tools” returns results like:

Analyze your data with these amazing tools.


The AT-LEAST operator determines a set amount of keywords that must appear in the publication to be found. The value of "n" corresponds to the number of keywords that must appear as a minimum.

Example: “AT-LEAST/2 (data, science, marketing, “digital marketing”)” can bring results like:

Data science is a trend in digital marketing.

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