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Network structure

What can you find in social, paid and owned media? Learn everything you can do and report like a true expert.

Written by Daniela Raviales
Updated over a year ago

Within the "Social Media," "Paid Media," and "Owned Media" tabs both in the dashboard and in campaigns, you can view the information from the various networks or platforms that you have connected to in Bunker DB Analytics.

To make your experience with Bunker DB Analytics simple and friendly, you will see that all networks maintain the same structure and operation at a general level.

Network headers

When you enter each of the tabs, you will see a summary of each connected network; this summary is called "header."

The "header" shows a set of default metrics, which you can customize according to your needs. For more information on this topic, enter this article.

Apart from the head metrics, you will find:

  • The possibility of comparing the metrics of the period you are viewing with the previous period and its percentage of variation.

If you want to see more information about any of your networks, scroll down and Bunker DB will display all the information related to that network.

Social media posts

Within your Social Media networks when you scroll down, you will see a section called "Publications of the month."

From here, you can view all the publications that have been made in the selected period and filter them by choosing the following options:

  • Type: you will find available the options presented by each network, where the most common are images, videos, and links.

  • Metric: you will find the most popular and available metrics for each network to order your publications from highest to lowest, for example, those with the most increased total reach.

Campaigns and publications on paid media

If you have displayed "More information" in any of your networks within the Paid Media tab, you will see that the information is divided into tables with the information corresponding to the campaigns running in the selected period of time.

Each of the paid media tables contains a set of default metrics that you can modify according to your goals.

Content groups

In both Social and Paid media, you can group your content (posts or ads) to highlight or report those that require a particular distinction, such as: "the best videos," "the most viewed," among others.

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