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Basic Report — Listening

Get an overview of your mentions, influencers and sentiment.

Written by Daniela Raviales
Updated over 2 years ago

Report the basic data of your searches in a few clicks:

  1. Select "Reports" from the top menu.

  2. Click on "Basic Report".

  3. Select the feed and date range you want to report from.

  4. Click "Apply".

The basic report contains the following modules:

Number of mentions: Shows the total number of mentions in the selected time period. Below the number of mentions there is a percentage (in green), which shows the evolution of mentions compared to the previous period.

Total Impressions: The total impressions the mentions earned.

All sources: All the sources from which the mentions were retrieved, as well as the share each source has. Hover over each segment with your mouse to see the number and percentage of mentions coming from that source.

Mentions over time: Visualize the evolution of your mentions during the selected period of time.

Sentiment ratio: Shows the distribution of positive, negative and neutral sentiment of the total of your mentions.

Sentiment ratio by channel: Visualize how the sentiment is distributed by sources.

Locations: Find where your mentions originated and how many mentions you got by country.

Word cloud: The word cloud, allows you to see the context in which your topic was most mentioned. The size of each keyword increases proportionally to the number of times it was mentioned.

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