Consumers amount associated with leads (Unique records) — Considering all records in the Userdata Leads and Userdata Fb Lead Ads tables, determine the number of consumers related to those records. Each Lead has a correlative in the user data table, and in turn, each user data record has its associated consumer. From this relationship, the consumer's amount related to the Database Leads could be determined. This metric total amount is not necessarily the numerical sum of the dimension’s contents. A consumer may appear in two different dimension contents (ex: in two different ads), and when totaling it must be considered as one.
Consumers amount with associated sales — Consumers amount that has at least one sale from the content selected.
Cost per consumer associated with Leads (Cost for Unique Records) =
Cost per new consumer =
Cost per new Lead Ads consumers =
Cost per new consumers from web records =
Cost per lead =
Cost per Lead Ads record =
Cost per web record =
Cost per sales =
Sales cost per Lead Ads =
Sales cost per web records =
Conversion Rate =
The result is a percentage and must be expressed with the corresponding symbol (%).
CVR Bunker to sales =
The result is a percentage and must be expressed with the corresponding symbol (%).
Records amount per Lead Ads — Sum of records within Userdata Fb Lead Ads table.
Return on Marketing Investment for Lead Ads records =
The result is a number that represents the return obtained by each unit from the currency invested.
Return on Marketing Investment per 100, for Lead Ads records =
In other words, the formula would be Lead Ads ROAS×100 The result is a percentage and must be expressed with the corresponding symbol (%). This is how Google Analytics displays the ROAS value (multiplied x 100).
Total Leads amount — Sum of records within Userdata Leads and Userdata Fb Lead Ads tables, regardless of the channel entered.
Web records amount = records amount- records amount per Lead Ads
Return on Marketing Investment for web records =
The result is a number that represents the return obtained by each unit of the inverted currency.
Return on Marketing Investment per 100, for web records =
In other words, the formula would be: Lead Web ROAS ×100 The result is a percentage and must be expressed with the corresponding symbol (%). This is how Google Analytics displays the ROAS value (multiplied x 100).
New consumers amount associated with Lead Ads records — Represents the new consumer's total amount generated from a record in the Fb Lead Ads table.
New consumers amount associated with web records — Represents the new consumer's total amount generated from a record within the Userdata Leads table.
New consumers amount associated with leads — From the total consumers amount associated with leads, the metric determines those that were generated from the lead. To know if this is a new consumer, it will be necessary to validate the creation date from all records that built the consumer. If the oldest record is a lead, then we would say that the content (ad, ad group, or campaign) that generated that lead, resulted in a new consumer. Not so the rest of the records. That is, for each consumer there could be a single new consumer-generating content. It can also happen that a consumer's oldest record is not a Lead. This metric allows getting the dimensions total to be made from a direct sum of the numbers obtained by each content.
New consumers amount associated with sales — Total consumers amount (generated by the selected content), which in turn has associated sales.
Return on Marketing Investment (return on advertising spend) =
The result is a number that represents the return obtained by each unit from the currency invested. Example: A campaign generated $5500 on sales value and invested $2000 to achieve that goal, represents the following:
5500÷2000=2.75 $2.75 for every USD invested in marketing. This is how Facebook displays the ROAS value (without multiplying by 100).Return on Marketing Investment per 100 =
In other words, the formula would be: ROAS×100 The result is a percentage and must be expressed with the corresponding symbol (%). This is how Google Analytics displays the ROAS value (multiplied by 100).
Total sales amount — Amount of records within the Leads Sales table.
Sales amount related to Leads Ads records — Sum of records in the Leads Sales table when they relate to Leads Ads.
Sales amount related to web records — Sum of records in the Leads Sales table when they relate to a web record.
Sales value — Total amount of sales values recorded in the Leads Sales table, for the corresponding records from the UTM or ad_id from the content selected. To sum these values, they all must be converted into the same currency (brand currency) first. This amount will always be expressed in the currency set for the brand.
Sales value associated with Lead Ads records — The sum of the values within the "value" fields within the Leads Sales table, for those records whose userdata_id is within the Fb Lead Ads table as well.
Sales value associated with web records — This is the sum of values within the "value" fields within the Leads Sales table, for those records whose userdata_id is within the Userdata Leads table as well.
Deepen your knowledge of the leads performance module to better understand how your lead campaigns perform.
Written by Daniela Raviales
Updated over a year ago