How do I report an issue?
Historical data retrieved by Bunker DB Analytics
How do I enable periods for my dashboard and campaigns?
How do I tag a campaign?
How do I set a target audience?
Can comments be removed from the Sentiment module?
Following hashtags
Twitter — Can I follow a hashtag's performance?
What type of files can be uploaded to Bunker DB?
How do I create new folders?
Can I set an annual KPI target?
Can I create e-mail groups?
Why am I not seeing the total conversion values on Facebook?
Why doesn't my YouTube channel appear to connect?
Clear cache & cookies
Is API V3 still working?
Why can't I find my preferences when I try to assign them?
Sentiment - Why do I see duplicated topics?
Why do I see comments on Bunker DB that aren’t on the networks?
I can't see ads and/or sponsored posts —pop-up or ad blockers.
Why don't I have access to some Bunker DB modules in my brand?
Why can't I create a new brand?
Why can't I find my paid ad in the sentiment module?
Why can't I see a campaign I just created?